About Us
Our Mission
A.C.T. of CT’s mission is to elevate the level of entertainment in Fairfield County and to foster a sense of community through the arts by producing exceptional theater and encouraging an environment of inclusivity and artistic excellence.
Our Vision
Our presence has helped to make Ridgefield an arts destination and has contributed to making our town the first Cultural District in the state of CT. In order to provide an even better experience for our community, we look forward to the day where we have a second performance and rehearsal space.
Our Values
A.C.T. of CT is an equal opportunity employer dedicated to inspiring, creating, and nurturing a culturally diverse and equitable environment for its staff, creative teams, cast, musicians, crew members, and audiences.
A.C.T. of CT does not discriminate in matters of employment, recruitment, admission, or administration of any of its programs on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information.
We are committed to achieving a diverse workforce and to maintaining an inclusive and discrimination-free environment. Learn more.
Our History